Discover Your Sacred Gifts

What are Sacred Gifts?

Many ancient mystics and modern day spiritual teachers have spoken of the ‘gifts’ we’ve been given.

These gifts are often described in such a way that they seem to be in us and yet not of us.

In a sense, they do not quite belong to us and yet it is our job to use them. They were placed within us in birth and can act as powerful guides if we pay attention to the signs of their presence. When we use our Sacred Gifts, we produce profound effects, far beyond what we could normally create with simply a talent or a skill.

Each time we find ourselves acting out of these gifts, we can have an experience of feeling on purpose. While we’ll certainly feel more fulfilled using our Sacred Gifts, this isn’t their only function.

They’re meant to be given away (that’s why they are called Gifts!)

It’s in giving them that extraordinary results will occur for others. The side benefit to you in sharing them is that you get to feel energized, effective and super charged.

When we align our work and play based on our unique Sacred Gift mix, it naturally follows that we make better fitting life choices. All relationships improve as we learn to celebrate the different gifts we each bring to the table, rather than using these differences as points of conflict. Discovering in ourselves and others that we are gifted paves the way for fulfillment, self-discovery, self-appreciation and a deep connection with our most inner longings.

Acting from our gifts as often as we can, removes any doubt as to our purpose or function.

The Sacred Gifts Program is designed to help you begin to discover your Sacred Gifts.

Similarly to how the gifts themselves lay dormant in many people, so have the beautiful teachings of Sacred Gifts lay dormant in ancient texts for many years. We’ve now come in to an age where we are ready to understand their meaning and we’re ready to live into their power.

It’s time to step up to the plate and claim what is rightfully ours…our magnificence.

The journey of discovering my gifts has been life changing for me and I’m so pleased and honoured that I can now share it with you.

Join us in the next class.


To living on purpose,



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