You are more powerful than you know.

Though we haven’t met yet, I know this to be true. You’ve done amazing things in your life and you are aching to do more.

You’re itching to make a big change in your life but you feel stuck, uncertain and you can’t stand it.

I can help.

Work with me to find the confidence and clarity to build your dreams.

Uncover the deeper meaning you are searching for. Find more joy, more confidence, and more certainty in pursuing your dreams.

Life is too short to be unhappy everyday.

My Strategy

As a Certified Change Professional (CCMP), Certified Sacred Gifts Guide, and an integrally informed facilitator and coach I'll work with you to develop and grow in the areas that are most meaningful to you.

By looking at patterns throughout your life, we’ll find what energizes you and makes you feel fulfilled.

I’ll lead you through a process that will identify your strengths, as well as your hidden dreams to express them fully.

Where we meet resistance to change or areas where you've been unsuccessful in the past, I will walk you through a powerful process that will uncover your unseen agenda to “stay small”.

You are unique and extraordinary.

My work is to help you see that, to know that and to help you move toward becoming fully you.

Benefits You Can Expect

  • Clarity about what you want, why you want it and how you can get it
  • Transition between where you are and where you want to be
  • Achieve your goals faster
  • Growth – overcome obstacles, low confidence and insecurities
  • Balance your emotions
  • Dedicated time, support, encouragement and motivation to explore you!

About Me

I am no stranger to the curve balls life can throw.

After bouncing back from full burn out while managing a multimillion dollar project portfolio, I made a big life overhaul, changed careers and learned the power of caring for myself.

As a pathological over-achiever and corporate ladder climber, I realized there were parts of my work and life that I loved and desperately wanted more of. There were also parts that I dreaded so deeply that it sucked the energy from my spirit to the point where it started to impact my health and mental well-being.

I knew that my lack of balance came from within.

I took a careful inventory of what made me happy, what gave me energy and what made getting up everyday worth it.

I also knew that making changes would require me to show up in a whole new way. I took a leap, jumped out of my comfort zone and found myself in a whole new world.

And it feels GOOD.

On purpose.



So if you are struggling in your career or in your business…

If you are finding it difficult to make decisions…

Harder still to make meaningful change…

And feeling uncertain.

I get it.

And I’m here to support you.

I will create safe space for you to work through life’s challenges.


My best,
